Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

My abc side

A = art, articulture, aparel are just some of the things about me
B = boats,beaches,babes I love
C = cars,cats,crabs, comarro I cant rezist
D = dogs,detroit,dates,deans are good
E = etines, elbows,elevators you cant live with out that
F = freedom,facts, factorys are sweet
G= guitar,gibson, grills.grils
H = halodays,halloween,happy
I = irish, italy,italian food
J = joe,jeans,juice
K = kittens, kangaroos,
L = low riders,luck,love
M = motorcycles, monsters, moon
N = names, nachos , newspaper
O = outdoors,
P = pork, progress, peace
Q = quicksilver,
R = Rambo, rabbits, rattlesnakes
S = sunset, sand, salads
T = tennis, talking, traveling
U = ukulele,
V = vet, vest, vitamin
W = webberly, west, wings
X = x mas
Y = yoyos,
Z = zebra ,

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

express my self

I am a big talker to my friends. I love to talk to my friends about everything. My friends are my heros. With my friends I feel free to express my self. I can talk and talk forever with my friends. I pefer to text to them becaues after you send that text you don’t know whats coming back. Texting is awesome for teens it help keep us alive. I have a Facebook I hardly use it. I perfer to pimp out your profile with music and backgrounds. I think it is a good way to express your self. I am a adict of it is awesome I can talk to my friends from around the world. I can put music on my profile up to 10 songs. I can put a layout on my profile. I just love Myspace its awesome to express myself. I talk to my friends everyday after school we hang out all the time. I talk to my friends about everything in the world. I can text but not talk on the phone, that just eartates me. Im just the kind of guy that needs to talk in person. As you can see I love my friends and talking about that stuff. Joe W

Friday, September 18, 2009

I like talking to my friends. My friends are my hero’s they help keep me alive. I love to text. My friends and I love to text twenty four seven . I text a lot at night even if we are at the same place or just hanging out. I like to communicate with my friends explicitly through hard times. I have a facebook but I don’t use it. I find it boring you don’t even get to make your profile the way you want it to be. I mean come on how can you express you self on a stupid white peace of paper on line come on! is my favorite I love it I can talk to all of my friends from all over. You can make is the way you want it to be. You can put music on your profile. People even put videos of movies or music videos on your page. Lets say you go on a vacation to Hawaii you come back home you really liked Hawaii on myspace you can put a Hawaiian layout/background on your myspace profile page. I love talking to my friends on it too they decorate their profile’s also.

My friends and I communicate so much almost everyday my friends and I hang out . its something that we just do. We talk about everything known to man. We all talk on cell phones or we just to hang out. I had picked this one because I want to tell you how my life is. And how also love my friends for supporting me through all of these things .

So far school is going great I love high school it’s a blast I see all of my friends is my classes thanks friends for those things thanks.
Joe W

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

first week over

classes are fun .people are grate.Stevenson is awesome! (LIVING THE LIFE) grate times